Priority Scheduling Program in C
Scheduling Program in C
Priority Scheduling is a CPU scheduling algorithm in which
the CPU performs the task having higher priority at first. If two processes
have the same priority then scheduling is done on FCFS basis (first come first serve). Priority
Scheduling is of two types : Preemptive and Non-Preemptive.
Preemptive: In this case, resources can be
voluntarily snatched.
Non-Preemptive: In this type, if a process is once
started, it will execute completely i.e resources cannot be snatched.
Following are the basic terminologies:
Waiting Time: Time for which the process has to wait
in the ready queue.
Turn Around Time: Total time taken by the process for execution (waiting
time + burst time).
Problem Description:
Write a C Program to
implement priority scheduling.
Following is the example of non preemptive scheduling with arrival time zero.
Process |
Burst Time |
Priority |
P1 |
5 |
1 |
P2 |
7 |
6 |
P3 |
2 |
4 |
P4 |
3 |
5 |
Since scheduling is
non preemptive, which means that the process will be fully executed once its
execution is started. So processes will be executed in the same order of
Order: P2, P4, P3, P1
P2 will be executed
from 0 to 7.
P4 will be executed from 7 to 10.
P3 will be executed from 10 to 12.
P1 will be executed from 12 to 17.
Process Id |
Burst Time |
Wait Time |
Turn Around Time |
P2 |
7 |
0 |
7 |
P4 |
3 |
7 |
10 |
P3 |
2 |
10 |
12 |
P1 |
5 |
12 |
17 |
Problem Solution:
Priority Scheduling Algorithm:
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Step 1: Start the Program.
Step 2: Input the number of processes.
Step 3: Input the burst time and priority for each process.
Step 4: Sort the element on the basis of priority.
Step 5: Print order of execution of their process with their time stamp (wait
time and turnaround time).
Step 6: End the Program.
Program/Source Code
Here is the source
code of the C program to implement priority scheduling. The C program is
successfully compiled and run on a Linux system. The program output is also
shown below.
C program to implement priority scheduling
to swap two variables
void swap(int *a,int *b)
10. int temp=*a;
11. *a=*b;
12. *b=temp;
13.} main()
16. int n;
17. printf("Enter
Number of Processes: ");
18. scanf("%d",&n);
20. // b is array for burst time, p for priority
and index for process id
21. int b[n],p[n],index[n];
22. for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
23. {
24. printf("Enter
Burst Time and Priority Value for Process %d: ",i+1);
25. scanf("%d
27. }
28. for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
29. {
30. int a=p[i],m=i;
32. //Finding out highest priority element and
placing it at its desired position
33. for(int j=i;j<n;j++)
34. {
if(p[j] > a)
40. }
42. //Swapping processes
swap(&p[i], &p[m]);
swap(&b[i], &b[m]);
46. }
48. // T stores the starting time of process
49. int t=0;
51. //Printing scheduled process
52. printf("Order
of process Execution is\n");
53. for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
54. {
55. printf("P%d is
executed from %d to %d\n",index[i],t,t+b[i]);
57. }
58. printf("\n");
59. printf("Process
Id Burst Time Wait Time
TurnAround Time\n");
60. int wait_time=0;
61. for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
62. {
63. printf("P%d %d %d %d\n",index[i],b[i],wait_time,wait_time + b[i]);
wait_time += b[i];
65. }
66. return 0;
Program Explanation
First, enter the total number of processes and store it in variable n.
2. After that, provide the burst time and priority and store it in
variable b and p.
3. Finding out highest priority element and placing it at its desired position.
4. Sort the processes on the basis of the priority.
5. After that print the processed with their time stamp (starting time and
ending time). Variable T stores the starting time of process.
6. In the end, print the waiting time and turnaround time for each process. Waiting time is the
time spent in the ready queue, while turnaround time is the total time taken by
process (burst time + waiting time).
Time Complexity: O(n*n)
Sorting takes time of the order of O(n*n), So time complexity is of the order
of O(n*n).
Space Complexity: O(n)
Space is required to store burst time, arrival time and index, So space
complexity is O(n).
Run Time Testcases
In this case, we enter
“3” as the number of processes, and the burst time and priority value are “p1:
10 2”, “p2: 5 0”, and “p3: 8 1”.
Enter Number of
Processes: 3
Enter Burst Time and
Priority Value for Process 1: 10 2
Enter Burst Time and
Priority Value for Process 2: 5 0
Enter Burst Time and
Priority Value for Process 3: 8 1
Order of process
Execution is
P1 is executed from 0
to 10
P3 is executed from 10
to 18
P2 is executed from 18
to 23
Process Id Burst Time Wait Time
TurnAround Time
P1 10 0 10
P3 8 10 18
P2 5 18 23
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