Tableau(Control chart in tableau)


control charts in Tableau:

Control chart is a statistical tool used to determine if a manufacturing or business process is in a state of control. Control chart uses standard deviations above and below the mean, which are displayed as bands - with outliers identified using color.

Standard deviation is used to show how far a way data is from the mean. In this chart, the measure of standard deviation is used to identify outliers in the data. (Data points that differ significantly from other observations).

A control chart consists of:

  • Points representing measurements in samples taken from a process at different times.

  • The mean of all measurements in the sample.

  • A center line is drawn at the mean.

  • The control limits – UCL – the upper control limit and LCL – the lower control limit.

  • Signals – Outliers (any point outside the control limits)

  • Example of a control chart

    example of a control chart

    How to create a control chart in Tableau

    Create a simple timeline by dragging WEEK(Order Date) to the columns and SUM(Sales) to the rows shelf.

    Choose Line chart under marks card.

    simple timeline view

    Right-click on the y-axis and add a reference line showing the average value.

    adding a reference line at average

    Next, right click on the y-axis and add a reference distribution of +2 and -2 standard deviation.

    Alternatively, you can also use +3 and -3 or +1 and -1 standard deviation.

    adding a reference distribution

    Executing these results to.

    resulting control chart


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