Tableau (highlight tables in tableau)


Highlight Tables

👉   Highlight tables display data in a text table. Using color, they speed up how you identify the most important numbers within a range of values. These tables also have rows and columns to depict different dimensions.

Highlight Tables 
  • The highlight table allows us to use conditional formatting to a view of a normal table.
  • Tableau will automatically apply a color scheme in either endless or stepped array of colors from highest to lowest.
  • It’s great for comparing a field’s values within a row or column.
  • Use highlight tables to match categorical data using color.
  • Highlight tables are often outstanding as they help users quickly spot the foremost interesting values during a table of numbers.
  • In cases where multiple variables are displayed, Measure Values are often used to apply one color scheme to all or any of the values in a table.
  • Unless the variables are very similar, highlighting multiple variables is typically not helpful and can mislead.
Creating Highlight table:

👉   In Tableau, you create a highlight table by placing one or more dimensions on the Columns shelf and one or more dimensions on the Rows shelf. You then select Square as the mark type and place a measure of interest on the Color shelf.

👉   To create a highlight table to explore how profit varies across regions, product sub-categories, and customer segments, follow these steps:

  1. Connect to the Sample - Superstore data source.

  2. Drag the Segment dimension to Columns.

  3. Drag the Region and Sub-Category dimensions to Rows, dropping Sub-Category to the right of Region.

  4. Drag the Profit measure to Color on the Marks card.

  5. Click Color on the Marks card to display configuration options. In the Border drop-down list, select a medium gray color for cell borders, as in the following image:

    Now it's easier to see the individual cells in the view:

  6. The default color palette is Orange-Blue Diverging. A Red-Green Diverging palette might be more appropriate for profit. To change the color palette and to make the colors more distinct, do the following:

    • Hover over the SUM(Profit) color legend, then click the drop-down arrow that appears and select Edit Colors.

    • In the Edit Colors dialog box, in the Palette field, select Red-Green Diverging from the drop-down list.

    • Select the Use Full Color Range check box and click Apply and then click OK.



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